Trainings and Resources
Healing in the Face of Trauma Tool Kit
The Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma Tool Kit was created by the Community Healing Network and The Association of Black Psychologists as a resource in August 2016 after the killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille by law enforcement and the resulting community trauma experienced by Black people across the nation.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
The Association of Black Psychologists, Inc. (ABPsi) present a Five Star Family Enhancement Plan “Zola Up on Us” in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It contains a 5 R’s Plan (Remember, Remind, Reframe, Revitalize and Reward). This will help engage us in activities that activate our capacity to heal and be well.
The Association of Black Psychologists, Inc. (ABPsi) present Culturally-Grounding and Supporting Our Communities During COVID-19 Worldwide Pandemic
Mind, Body and Spirit Directory
Our Safe Black Space Mind Body Spirit Resource Guide is a working list of local Black owned or run resources that are effectively serving members of the Black community. Please check them out and lend your support.
Organizations and individuals interested in being included in Mind Body Spirit Resource list should submit their contact information to They will be directed to complete a short survey.
Sacramento Mental Health Resources
See Urgent Care resources available and a sampling of Mental Health services in the Sacramento area.
Sacramento County, Division of Behavioral Health is excited to share a new resource specializing in serving the Black and African American community. Trauma Informed Culturally Responsive Treatment (TICRT) is an adjunct therapeutic program focused on the mental health and wellness of the Black and African-American community. Clients may receive up to eight therapy sessions with one of the licensed therapists listed on the Sacramento County Mental Health Resource Webpage. These services are open to all African American/Black community members living in Sacramento County regardless of insurance and/or ability to pay.
Videos - Information Black People Need to Know
This four-segment video training series provides information about racial stress and trauma for Black people and introduces culturally reflective and responsive healing strategies (see videoclips at bottom of this page)
The four topics include:
*Introduction Videoclip: Introduction to the video training series and overview of the four topics covered.
1) African American Mental Health Facts and Information
Provides overview of common mental health challenges and risk factors for the black community, including data and statistics and the role of stigma and shame in help seeking.
2) What is Racial Trauma
Learn about racial stress and trauma is and it’s connection to historical and current racism and oppression. Develop an understanding of it through issues related to recent events in Sacramento. Introduction to post (persistent) traumatic slavery disorder, including signs and symptoms.
3) Key Community Care and Self Care Strategies
Introduction to key strategies for taking care of your community as well as yourself during challenging times of racial stress and anxiety.
4) Guided Meditation on Racial Healing and Empowerment
Introduction to spirituality and mindfulness in the Black community. Participate in guided racial healing and empowering meditation. Learn tips on developing your own meditation practice.
This video series is funded by the Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services through the voter approved Proposition 63, Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).
Introduction to the Training Series on Black Mental Heath & Healing
Key Community and Self Care Strategies
African American Mental Health Facts and Information
Guided Meditation on Racial Healing and Empowerment
What is Racial Trauma